Bank of England seeks feedback for wholesale CBDC trials
The Bank of England is planning wholesale CBDC (wCBDC) trials alongside RTGS synchronized payments as in Project Meridian
CBDC Central Bank Digital CurrencyThe Bank of England is planning wholesale CBDC (wCBDC) trials alongside RTGS synchronized payments as in Project Meridian
CBDC Central Bank Digital CurrencyCboe Clear Europe tested the use of a wholesale CBDC for margin calls as part of the Eurosystem wholesale DLT settlement trials
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Central Bank Digital CurrencyThe Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has significantly expanded its cryptocurrency workforce to over 100 staff members, yet its policy team remains understaffed.
Central Bank Digital CurrencyWhile the industry was not mentioned in the party's manifesto or on the campaign trail, Labour has said it will support tokenization and a central bank digital currency.
Central Bank Digital CurrencyThe Bank of England and HM Treasy have published a response to their previous consultation paper regarding the launch of a CBDC.
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