Bank of England gov warns digital pound must not undermine commercial banks
Bank of England governor warns that digital currencies must not jeopardize commercial banks or liquidity principles.
CBDC Central Bank Digital Currencies Digital PoundBank of England governor warns that digital currencies must not jeopardize commercial banks or liquidity principles.
CBDC Central Bank Digital Currencies Digital PoundThe UK and Singapore have reaffirmed their dedication to fostering financing solutions that are aligned with sustainable finance.
CBDC Central Bank Digital CurrenciesEditorial: A Britcoin would trade convenience for societal dangers that hard cash keeps in check
Britcoin CBDC Central Bank Digital Currencies Digital PoundDigital currency interoperability network UDPN has partnered the Digital Pound Foundation (DPF). DPF members can participate in DLT trials
CBDC Central Bank Digital Currencies Digital PoundThe deputy heads of the U.S. and UK central banks spoke in Washington about central bank digital currencies and stablecoin regulation.
CBDCIndia has already made significant progress towards a wholesale and retail CBDC even though a full-scale launch is awaited.
CBDC Central Bank Digital Currencies